Microsoft Word File Recovery

Recover an Office Document After You Click Don’t Save

In Blog, Information by Administrator

How to? Word and Excel File Recovery.

It’s about this time of year that we get enquiries from university students about lost data which pertains to a piece of course work that is due for submission. Frequently it is just one Microsoft Word file that they are interested in and the data loss occurs after their computer crashed, or lost power, and restarted itself. Often it is time critical and can require submission on the day we are contacted.

We do offer student discounts, but obviously, we can’t do it for free. So for any students out there (and anyone else for that matter), it is probably worthwhile to check the following out first. It could save you a lot of time and help you meet that critical deadline.

We hope this helps!

Microsoft Word File RecoveryIf an Office program like Word or Excel crashes or your computer shuts down on you, the next time you run the program it will try to recover those documents from Office’s temporary working cache of files. But what about when you accidentally click Don’t Save instead of Save? You may be in luck. In the program in question, click File (or the big Office button, depending on your version), then go to Info > Manage Versions > Recover Unsaved Documents.