Memory Stick Data Recovery due to failed ECC A memory stick was received by a customer reporting that whilst it was being detected by her Apple Mac computer with the …
Counterfeit memory stick – A case study
Counterfeit Memory Stick – Fake Flash CDR – Manchester Data Recovery Services – has covered fake/counterfeit flash NAND devices in previous posts. Usually, we receive these devices in when they …
Monolithic memory card/stick data recovery
Data recovery of monolithic storage. CDR – Manchester Data Recovery Services – is receiving an increasing number of requests of memory sticks and memory cards which are using monolithic storage. …
Avoid SSDs for important files, says data recovery firm
Difficulties associated with SSD data recovery. There seems to be some incredulity in the comments section in this piece on the PC Pro. The full article can be found here: …
Self-erasing flash drives destroy court evidence – and your data too.
This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds… Mission Impossible. Yes, sometimes data recovery really can be a mission impossible. If only it were a tape recorder with smoke coming out …
Ever wondered how your data is stored on a SSD?
How do solid state disks work? To help customers get an idea of how their data is stored on a memory stick, memory card or an SSD, and why it …
Flash NAND media – an introduction
Solid state disks and memory sticks. Flash NAND based media is a non-volatile storage device. Flash-based storage media is found in camera memory cards, USB pen drives, camcorders, mobile phones, …