CDR’s Working Hours.

CDR – Manchester Data Recovery Services – offers potential customers to bring their failed device in for diagnosis in person. This avoids the possibility of a hard disk drive or other storage device being lost or damaged in the post. It should also be possible to give you a quotation for the data recovery whilst you wait. If you would like a free in-person diagnostic test please contact us to arrange a time to visit us in south Manchester. Under normal circumstances, there is nearly always availability for this during ‘office hours ‘. By arrangement, it is possible to provide availability outside of the office hours.

We also offer around the clock emergency data recovery service. For details please see the pricing page.

  • Office hours: Monday to Friday: 9 am – 6 pm
  • Diagnostic tests outside of office hours: Strictly by advance appointment – call 0161 408 4857 to arrange.
  • Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holiday: Closed, with the exception of emergency service recoveries.

Book an appointment online

Diagnostic tests conducted are by appointment only. If you would like to visit with your failed storage device for diagnostic tests, or to make a delivery/collection, then you can make an appointment via the online booking system or by telephone (0161 408 4857).

Please pick an available timeslot listed below. If slots do not display correctly below then please visit Cheadle Data Recovery Ltd on SimplyBook.Me.