Seagate SSD

Seagate enter the SSD market – we wondered whether they would?

In Blog, SSD News by Administrator

Seagate SSDSeagate Solid State Disks

When Seagate got on with the acquisition of Samsung drives last year the news didn’t come as a massive surprise that Seagate has now decided to enter the SSD market.

Will this mean much? Well, no doubt Seagate will be pushing these hard alongside their magnetic media hard disk drives, which they are probably not quite ready to give up on yet. For details on the release and some of the technology behind this SSD see the Tom’s hardware post lined below.

Seagate 600 SSD 240 GB Review: LAMD And Toshiba, Together Again – Seagate’s 600 SSD: LAMD And Toshiba, Together Again.

Samsung SSDs usually come with a 5-year warranty. We’ve seen one or two in for recovery, typically those which have been inside MacBook Air laptops. Fortunately, the Samsung SSDs/processors are not self-encrypting, so they can be worked on in most circumstances with a good chance of recovery.