celebrity hack computer terminal

Celebrity cloud storage data loss

In Blog by Administrator

celebrity hack computer terminalIs your Cloud storage data safe?

This week it has been very difficult to escape the extensive media coverage regarding the hacked digital images relating to a number of high profile female celebrities.

In the extensive coverage, there has been much debate on sexism, misogyny, and data security of online ‘cloud’ storage services. Online data security is something which the CDR blog noted a few weeks ago, and the main reason why CDR no longer uses ‘DropBox’ to store important data. All of our data is encrypted locally, then transferred over a secure HTTPS connection to our cloud storage provider. If you are wondering who CDR’s host is us. We prefer “OwnCloud” so we have complete control over our data and how it is stored.

OwnCloud is surprisingly easy to configure if you have your own host or even your own NAS device. If this seems a technical step too far then SpiderOak is a cloud storage provider which takes data privacy and security much more seriously that iCloud/Google Drive/OneDrive/DropBox.