When buying memory cards from online stores such as Amazon and Ebay, it is very easy to come across fakes that imitate legitimate brands or misrepresent their true capacity. Accidentally …
GoPro Video File Recovery – why is it so difficult?
GoPro video data recovery GoPro cameras use MicroSD cards to store data. Frequently these fail, or the FAT32 filesystem becomes corrupt, or data gets deleted. Even when the memory card …
128GB MicroSD counterfeit
05/7/2017 – 128GB MicroSD fake capacity Today, CDR has been working on a MicroSD memory card which had a reported capacity of 128GB. The memory card had been purchased from …
How to recover Canon video files
Canon video file data recovery Modern Canon video cameras, or SLRs, with video capability, produce high definition video files. They are widely used by amateur and professional videographers. CDR – …
Monolithic memory card/stick data recovery
Data recovery of monolithic storage. CDR – Manchester Data Recovery Services – is receiving an increasing number of requests of memory sticks and memory cards which are using monolithic storage. …
Ever wondered how your data is stored on a SSD?
How do solid state disks work? To help customers get an idea of how their data is stored on a memory stick, memory card or an SSD, and why it …