Western Digital 160GB

Hard drive shortage pushes prices up 150% | News | TechRadar

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 HDD shortage increases prices.

Hard drive shortage pushes prices up 150% | News | TechRadar.

Still gloomy news regarding the production and pricing for purchasing new hard disk drives. The floods in Thailand have had a massive effect on the industry. Moreover, there is not only difficulty in purchasing new hard disk drives, but also second-hand or refurbished HDDs, as these are being bought up in increasing numbers instead of new drives.

This is particularly important for the data recovery industry, as many of the data recovery jobs we receive in require donor hard disk parts to complete the work. When acquiring a donor HDD to work on a failed patient HDD it is necessary to match some very specific parameters listed on the white sticker on the front of the disk drive. For example, if we were working on a 160GB Western Digital Drive with a head failure we would require the following information from the seller:

Model Number: WD1600AAJS-75PSA0


Western Digital 160GB

The requirements required for a donor hard disk drive are critical to the recovery of data

The requirements vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, and many standard retail sellers do not list these specific details, making the acquisition of the required donor parts quite difficult.  Recently, due to the HDD shortages, we have had some cases where there have been delays in completing the work. However, we have an extensive range of donor hard disk drive parts built up over a period of 5 years of business, and as such we have been largely been unaffected by the shortages.