What is RAID? RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) is a storage technology that combines multiple physical hard drives into one unit for the purpose of data redundancy, speed, or …
FreeNAS Linux RAID
9/9/2017 – 4 Disk RAID-5 FreeNAS – Multiple HDD failures Work has recently been completed on a four disk RAID-5 network attached storage (NAS) device. The four disks came from …
When is a single SSD actually two SSDs? Samsung MZRPC512
A single SSD with two processors in RAID 0. Solid State Disk (SSD) technology is still very much an emerging technology. There are over 100 different manufacturers of SSDs and …
24 hour RAID disk data recovery
Emergency 24-hour RAID array Data Recovery Business critical data can often require a fast data recovery service. CDR – Manchester Data Recovery Services – provides three levels of service. Fastest …
Thecus N3200 – 3 Disk RAID 5 recovery
RAID-5 Recovery after a two disk failure Recently CDR received in a 3 disk Thecus RAID array. This was from a home user which was using a NAS to share …
Apple XSERVE RAID Recovery – Unusual block ordering
Apple XSERVE – Non-standard RAID recovery. A recent CDR RAID-5 case study showed an example of a typical RAID-5 data recovery. This was considered to be ‘typical’ on the basis …
Case study: Typical RAID-5 data recovery after multiple disk failure
Methods to recover data from a RAID-5 Array RAID – Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks is used to provide increased storage reliability and less downtime. The two most common implementation …
Fire and smoke damage – SAS HDD RAID Data Recovery
Critical RAID server data recovery from Manchester fire. This case study relates to a job CDR received a few months ago. The circumstances were particularly unfortunate with regards to how …
Laptop RAID and SSD Data Recovery
Expert HDD and SSD Data Recovery Storage devices come in all shapes and sizes. In this case, we have received the largest laptop we have ever seen and also the …
Summer time when the weather is hot – RAID & servers fail
RAID and Server Data Recovery. September for many people means “back to work.” Usually during the months of July and August we get fewer data recovery requests. Fewer enquiries usually …
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