World Backup Day (?) – March 31st According to an organisation named KeepItSafe it is “World Backup Day”. This may have passed readers by previously, as it is a fairly …
When two disks aren’t better than one – RAID 1 failure
RAID 1 Data Recovery. Over the last couple of years, we have noticed an increase in the number of RAID 1 disk sets being brought in for data recovery, and …
EMC World 2012: EMC bangs the drum for disk storage | IT PRO
EMC pushes HDD ahead of Tape for backup. EMC World 2012: EMC bangs the drum for disk storage | IT PRO. I’d agree that in some respect tape backup is …
Symantec: ‘NetBackup 7.5 speeds backup 100X’ • The Register
Symantec Backup – Behind the curve? Symantec: ‘NetBackup 7.5 speeds backup 100X’ • The Register. Well done Symantec! {Ahem} You are only several years behind the likes of DeltaCopy / …